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Wednesday 20 June 2018

Anecdote - Power of an Old Lady Praying – (2435)


My marvelous missionary was told a story once, back in the days when he was doing his missionary course or a short time afterwards, about how powerful an old lady praying can be.


The story is meant to be real, set in Costa Rica I think. Where a mother and son lived out in the country in a semi-remote area. The mother’s son was rather tricky and attracted to evil and dabbled in spells and things of that sort, i.e. black magic.

Then one day the boy wanted to take his dabbling to a much serious level and invoked one of the entities that his spells and dabbling was related to, with the purpose that this entity would take him away from his remote abode where he could experience another kind of life.

One night the mother was praying and felt something strange, the demon or entity that her son had invoked was arrived to take here son away. The demon took the form of a dark, strong, aggressively powerful horse, that the son would mount and ride away on. The mother upon seeing this began to pray with all the her heart and soul and her son desperately want to get up off his bed and mount the horse but he could not move. The power of a mother praying with all her heart and soul froze him against all his desire to mount that horse. Event eh demon could not break the power of her prayer and eventually it left.

Master Samael I was told said something to the effect of never under estimate the power of an old lady praying in front of a candle.


The moral of this story is that our prayer when done with heart and soul is very powerful and change things such as events and circumstances.

End (2435).

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