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Tuesday 19 June 2018

Emotions Overwhelm – That’s What They Do – (2431)

So Good to Know

The emotional centre - the crazy elephant does exactly that - overwhelm us from time to time! That is, produce such a high wave of intense emotion that we feel overwhelmed.

So what is it to feel overwhelmed? Well we feel overwhelmed when we see that the degree of emotion is something off our normal scale of emotions, and it is something that we think that we don’t have the capacity to accommodate in our system. In other words we “think that we can’t” deal with the emotions or what we are faced with.

After a lot of experience of being overwhelmed, I say “we think that we can’t” handle the emotions because when we are experiencing those emotions, we are actually handling them, we are actually coping with them, we are holding them within our system. But that mind you, is different to being able to practically cope with the work load or whatever it may be. Feeling overwhelmed is an emotional reaction.

It is like a tsunami that floods in but all waves and tsunamis always always roll out!

Remedy – Delay

The easy to apply, and easy to remember remedy is: DELAY!

Feeling overwhelmed is like a tsunami, it rolls in destructively but it rolls out. So if you just wait a little then it will roll out and things will be very different.

Just delay! Just wait! Breathe! Trust! Know that it is a tsunami and then just wait knowingly and with trust in the fact that it will always roll out.

End (2431).

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