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Sunday 17 June 2018

Every Place Has Its Special Spots for Healing and Rejuvenation – (2425)

An Ailment - a Remedy

It seems that many cities, towns and villages all have their special places provided by nature for people to heal and rejuvenate.
It also seems that if there is ailment that is very prone to be developed in that area, city, town or village, mother nature has also provided a remedy.
For example in Australia, hay fever and allergies are so easy to catch and many people say that while they were living abroad on other continents they didn’t suffer any kind of allergies, but in Australia – every spring time. So unique to Australia are all these allergies and unique to Australia is the Eucalyptus which is very good a treating and clearing the effects that hay fever and many other allergies have on the body.

Your Area, City, Town and Village

So your city, town or village also has it special spots of healing and rejuvenation. It is just a matter of finding them, whether they be hot springs, mountains, the ocean, rivers, valleys, plains, forests, waterfalls etc. etc. Then going there and breathing it all in, quietening the mind, becoming receptive and entering into harmony with the place, and exchange your awareness with the place and that way you mingle in or plug into the place and you energise, heal, rest and rejuvenate. Even to get so relaxed and fall into a trance like sleep there is especially rejuvenating an interesting.


Nature provides these spots for all of us to make use of.
When troubled psychologically they are marvellous to balance you once again and reset our psychology into the more balanced and correct perspective on things. It also gives you a break that serves to help us work on ourselves better.
End (2425).

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