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Monday 18 June 2018

Look at a Sand Timer – Use it to Lower Stress Producing Expectations – (2429)

Sand Timer Neck

A sand timer not only reminds us that our time is limited, it also shows us something else.

If we observe the join between the two bulbs of a classic sand timer we will see that there is a very narrow neck. That neck is what controls how quickly the sand flows from the top chamber into the bottom chamber.

If the neck is wide, a larger quantity of sand will fall through to the bottom chamber. If the neck is narrow, less sand will fall through to the bottom.

The special thing is that the width of the neck is designed so that only two or three grains of sand can fall through at a time. No more!

That is exactly us, we can only do so much and each thing we do takes the time that it takes for us to do it. We can not do more than what we can do, just like no more than two or three grains can fall through the join of the sand timer.


Expecting ourselves to be quicker is not the answer or the way. It is the way of stress and inefficiency. When we know what we can do we can be efficient. Before knowing what we can do, we are all over the place, not achieving very much at all.

Connecting to reality takes stress away!

We are stressed when we are not connected to reality.

End (2429).

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