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Sunday 10 June 2018

Love for the Being - (2410)


This topic is really of highest importance.

Understanding it and really doing it, that is loving our own Being, is a remedy to so many problems within ourselves, and therefore outside of ourselves.

It is the remedy for so many egos. Especially the three selves (self-love, self-compassion and self-importance).

How I ask, can we work so hard and make so many sacrifices for something that we don’t love? So we already love our Being but we can make that love more conscious and then that is how it will grow more and transform us more.

Basically, the lesson that learnt from the retreat was to take the initiative and love the Being ourselves right now!

How to Love

What I learnt from the retreat is that the love that we use to love our inner Being is the love that we already have within us. It is the same love that we love a person, a cause or an activity with.

We shouldn’t be at a loss here, because we all love something and we just need to move that love towards our inner Being. How we do that we already know how, we just have to start to do it.

The retreat taught me that when we love we want the best for that which we love. We want that which we love to not suffer and we want that which we love to grow and be more and more of itself and more and more content of itself and in itself.

Love Reciprocity

When we love our Being it is the Being really in the depth of things, actually loving Itself. We here take the love for our Being in our heart and send it up to the Being. Then the Being absorbs parts of that love that are of the same nature as it. Then having received love from us, It radiates that love back down to us, and a renewed love of a different quality surges up from deep within us. This love may feel more powerful, of a different quality, more spiritual, more extensive, more embracing, more universal…but overall somehow different and that is how you know it is moving in you.

The main thing is that this love loves and we are partaking of that love and the need for love or the feeling of lacking love goes.

End (2410).

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