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Monday 25 June 2018

Missionary Comparison Trap – (2443)

Fumes that Rise

In the situation where a missionary visits and gives a talk to the group members of another missionary certain fumes can rise to the head of the visiting missionary.

If the visiting missionary believes these fumes which comes from his or her own subconscious an error could be produced.

These fumes may say: “I am addressing more of what these people need.”, “I am doing a better job.” “The people seem really to like my talk and I can really help them.”, “I explain things better.”, “I understand the people better.” etc. etc.

When these fumes are believed one then thinks the real missionary of that group should not be there or has less right to be there which is another fume, and the people wants one there instead. If actions are made on these erroneous beliefs then problems result – obviously!

In order to not believe these fumes one must question these fumes.

Questioned Fumes

“I am addressing more of what these people need.”

How do you really know what these people need if you are a visiting missionary? Come on get real.

“I am doing a better job.”

Really? After one talk? Come on get real again. Results take several months to be seen and known clearly and objectively.

“The people seem really to like my talk and I can really help them.”

Maybe yes and maybe no. How do you know it is just because you are new. You have your egos too and your egos can bother the people and in time they (the people) can get tired of those egos too.

“I explain things better.”

Maybe so, but you can explain things well to your own people as well can’t you. Or why not help their real missionary a little to explain things well.

“I understand the people better.”

Really how do you know after one talk? Maybe because you share the same mother tongue you think. Well can you speak another language? No! So why do you think yourself better? Maybe you are younger and in touch and more in touch with technology and the things and ways of the times. Well why not talk to the real missionary about technology then. Then he or she will understand the people just as you think you do better. Understanding the people better is no big deal and it is certainly nothing to special or more suited about.

“Real missionary should not be there.”

Oh really! Didn’t the Divine Law, the Beings of the person and the Monad of their real missionary put him or her there? Come one make it clear in writing to yourself what are the concrete and convincing reasons (physical, psychological and esoteric) why you think you should be there in his or her place?


Those fumes must first not be believed, if they are enticing and are half believed resort to questioning them at depth.

The element (pride) within the subconscious that sent up those fumes must be dissolved. Because such an element is erroneous and produces wrong actions that deceive the person and cause much harm. I have seen instructors end their time in Gnosis disastrously because they believed such thoughts or fumes.

End (2443).

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