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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Nothing New Happens In Our Life Because Sometimes We Are Not Defined Enough for Our Being – (2446)

This could be the reason why the good fortune and peaceful inner states that we are expecting and hoping for do not eventuate.

At some level we are still divided and have not given over or surrendered ourselves to our inner Being. I affirm, not surrendering over to something external – to someone or to something but to the higher part of ourselves.

We can not progress in the dissolution of some egos until a certain decision is made to go by the ways of the inner Being within us. Until we decide to side by the essence and its ways of doing things we can not really advance steadily in the dissolution of an ego.

Until we don’t decide for the ways of the Being we go back and forward in the strengthening and weakening of an ego, and no real progress is made in dissolving the ego.

Dissolving the ego is a process of educating the essence in the ways of the Being.

End (2446).

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