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Thursday 28 June 2018

Ray of Socrates and the Ray of Plato? - (2449)

So what would be the ray of the Monad who had a vehicle many many years ago in ancient Greece, that it is written had the name of Socrates? Would that Monad's ray be Art, Law, Wisdom, etc.?

What would then be the ray of the Monad of the disciple of Socrates named Plato, who died 11 years after Socrates in ancient Greece? The same or a different one? Perhaps a different one... perhaps one of the three listed above.

Those two dudes in the centre are Socrates on the left and Plato on the right.

Anyway ending all the intrigue, if one reads Plato and reads what it is said that Socrates said, and one combines that with one's knowledge of the the rays taught to us in Gnosis, one can see fairly clearly the different rays of the Monads of these two historical personages.

The Law sticks out in all that Socrates says and Wisdom sticks out in a lot of what Plato writes.

Have a read and tell me what you think?

End (2449).


  1. To which planetary rays do the Rays of Wisdom and of Law correspond to?

    1. They could be Mercury, more in the case of wisdom it could well be, but it does not have to be. The ray of the Law could belong to many a different ray.
