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Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Seven Stones – (2401)

Lapis Philosophorum - Symbolic and Real

The stone which is a term that refers to the philosopher’s stone is really a symbol. It is a symbol that was used often by the medieval Alchemists.

To possess the stone means to have finished the Great Work. That is the work of the Three Mountains, or in less symbolic language the complete purification and integration with the Being, i.e. Adhi-Buddha integrated all the way down the tree of life to Malcuth.

Certain people can have a stone, though the condition of it is what is important. For those who have not finished the Great Work the stone is still rough and the work of shaping and polishing that rough stone into a perfect cubical form has not yet been completed.

The reality behind the philosopher’s stone master Samael explains to us, is the Intimate Christ of the of the person dressed in the bodies of gold.

Maximum of Seven

Esoteric teachings tell us that a Being can form a maximum number of seven stones.

The teachings also tell us that for a Being to attempt to form an eighth stone, is for that Being to come under a curse. That is, to suffer a superior and mysterious kind of katancy (katancia in Spanish).

The maximum number being seven corresponds to the seven sides that the stone has and the Law of Seven, which dictates the maximum number of degrees to which the cosmic fire unfolds and develops itself through.

Seven Sides

Master Samael teaches us that the stone has seven sides, which are the six sides or faces that any cube has, plus a seventh side which is the centre.

Forming Further Stones

It is taught to us that the very first stone is made out of the prima materia. From the prima materia the solar bodies are fabricated, then later they are purified and perfected and covered in gold.

Once the first stone has been formed all other formations are iterations or repetitions of the work done in having to form the first stone.

The second and later stones are formed or iterated by dissolving the first stone, or the previous stone, then working to shape it again. This can be done by a fall or a descent.

Further stones are stronger, wiser and more perfect than the first. That is principally why further stones are sought.

Fall vs Descent

When a fall is produced the Magnesium escapes from within the stone, said the medieval Alchemists.

To fall means to dissolve or throw the stone into the waters by committing very seriously grave errors that culminate in the loss of the sexual energy. The ego then resuscitates, the consciousness divides into 97% subconscious or asleep and 3% free and awake. The solar bodies remain, yet they are instead of being occupied by the Being, they are occupied by the various egos.

To descend is different to fall.

With a fall, all that we had of ego is resuscitated, the kundalini in each body except in the Atmic and Buddhic bodies descends, coils itself three and a half times around the coccyx and falls into a deep sleep. Together with the resuscitated ego is the karmic loading corresponding to the gravity of the fall.

With a fall everything must be started from zero. The kundalini has to be raised and all the initiations have to be completed and qualified all over again.

A descent is performed under the direction of a guru, where the ego is resuscitated, though all the seven Kundalini’s remain raised. The ego must be dissolved, the initiations remain intact and there is also much more awakened consciousness available. The karma involved is much different to a fall -  there is not as much of it.

I have heard it being said, meaning I am not sure about it, that the second and third stones are iterated with falls but the fourth and later are iterated by descents.

Third Stone

Master Samael acquired recently with the physical body that we all know him to have had, his third stone. He said that he will not go for a fourth stone.

In effect, the teachings that Master Samael imparted to humanity resonate with the octave of the third stone. One Gnostic missionary in the retreat told me that because Master Samael’s teachings resonate with us, it is because we are also working to try and iterate the third stone.

Perhaps someone performing the work for the first time may find Master Samael’s teachings a little difficult, that is a bit too profound for them to grasp.

Knowledge from the Stones

Each stone sounds its particular tone. Each stone bestows its possessor with new and renewed knowledge, as well as new strength and power.

It is said that each time the Phoenix bird incinerates itself and rises again from its own ashes it does so with renewed strength and power.

The knowledge gained from each stone is greater in depth and wider in expanse.

IS the principal psychological profile for each stone the same? I don’t know, it may vary so as to provide the Monad with a broader expanse of knowledge.

Time of the Iteration of the Stones

Fulcanelli, a great Alchemist who is said to have long completed the Great Work and attained immortality wrote that the time that it takes to iterate successive stones decreases as the number of iterations increases. In other words, the each stone takes less and less time to iterate.

This is good news. The first of everything is always harder. This is because the first is foundation, and the foundation is built from zero.

Here is the text from Fulcanelli.

“The more the stone progresses the more penetrating it becomes and the quicker its elaboration; at each stage of augmentation, it only requires the eighth of the time required for the preceding operation. Generally - and we are talking here about the long way - the fourth reiteration requires seldom more than two hours; the fifth thus takes a minute and a half*, while twelve seconds would suffice to achieve the sixth; the instantaneousness of such an operation would make it unpractical. On the other hand, the intervention of the continuously increasing weight and volume would force us to keep aside a great part of the resulting product, for want of the required corresponding ration of mercury, the preparation of which is time-consuming and fastidious. Finally, the stone multiplied to the fifth and sixth degrees would demand, given its igneous power, an important mass of pure gold to orient it toward the metallic - otherwise we would be liable to lose the whole thing.”

Fulcanelli, “The Dwellings of the Philosophers”

*By my calculations one eighth of two hours is 15 minutes, not 1.5 minutes. One eighth of 1.5 minutes though is 12 seconds. One eighth of 12 seconds is one second for the seventh.

Masters of Seven Stones

The masters of seven stones are the really great of the great masters. Jesus we are told is one of them who has seven stones, and that certainly makes sense.

Master Samael once spoke of a certain Being, who now has Its essence undergoing the process of involution, all because this Being threw the seventh stone attempting to iterate the eighth stone. This Being master said will eventually have its essence emerge from the bowels of the Earth and it will be a very special and super mineral, vegetable, animal and human being, and when it is time for it to realise itself once again, this process will be much easier.

How Many Stones Have You?

Perhaps you have two, and you are now working to form the third. One can find out or one will definitely know how many one has already formed along the way towards completing the Great Work.

Does your Being want all seven? Whatever It’s will maybe, we as Its vehicle must obey. Please though may it be by a descent and not by a fall!

End (2401).

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