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Sunday 10 June 2018

Work After the Third Mountain - (2407)


I don't of course know anything about this... I am writing about what I am learning from another.

How Wrong our Ideas Are

We think that when one reaches the end of the third mountain, one acquires a kind of magical immunity to everything. To impressions, sex, trials, tests, accidents, karma, sickness, the cold, the heat, bills, taxes, people getting upset or annoyed at him or her etc. etc.

How wrong such ideas are.

Things All Continue

Nothing externally really changes. There is no magic sensational event that occurs. The master has to work as just as before being very careful not to get identified with any impression and to not create any ego. 

The master still has pains in his or her knee, the master still needs to wear glasses, the bills still need to be paid, visits to the doctor and dentist continue, the computer still takes as long as before to start, and people who are strangers at the airport can get annoyed and lightly scold the master...

A lot though changes within the person, there is tremendously more light and the thinking changes drastically to unity and more unity and love changes too, to embrace all and everything even the below and the above together.

Psychologically, there is no ego yet when the impression do arrive, they do enter but they enter into a void where they very quickly dissipate. The impressions do affect the master but because there is no ego anymore there is nothing to grab onto them. There is the mind still, and that the master must watch and prevent the mind from doing what it is so use to doing and that is associating and remembering.

The mind is still present and even though there is no ego, the mind can remember the ego and the memory of the ego can produce similar symptoms to what the ego produced. Even though, there is still no ego the mind can have been habituated after thousands of years to operate in a way slightly similar to the way the ego operated. But as time goes along this disappears.

After the third mountain even the recently formed and polished philosopher's stone is tested. So the tests and learning continues...

Work to be Done

After the third mountain there are three basic works to be done. They are the work of fabricating the four kayas, adding up to a maximum of six tridents on the horns of the now liberated Typhon Baphomet and working to unite all three realities.

The four kayas are bodies many many times more superior than the solar bodies and are forged in the Alchemy. So the Alchemy continues... 

The tridents on the horns of the Typhon Baphomet are the degrees of objective knowledge that has been obtained thus far. The maximum number of degrees obtainable is six. Six tridents indicates that the consciousness of the Being has reached its maximum objectivity.

The consciousness still has also to be made to extend to its maximum limits which are to unite within the person all three realities. 


This shows how mistaken many of our ideas and concepts are. Therefore how unrealsitic they are. The reality is that there is still much more work to be done internally and for humanity as well.

End (2407).

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