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Friday 13 July 2018

All Rays are in One Ray and One Ray is in All Rays – (2484)

Just One Ray

If we just consider any one ray, we will see that that one ray can not fulfil its function without taking other rays into account.

Of course, some rays are more related to other rays, and each ray is very specialised and has a special function to fulfil in creation that is unlike the work of any other ray.

We can better understand this point by considering any human profession, where many aspects must be taken into account. For example, engineering relies heavily on science and mathematics but it takes into account finance, law, politics, a touch of love (safety, safety, and more safety, improving the lives of others with new technology) etc.

All the rays function with a little bit of the other rays. Some rays of course combine better with others and some rays use more of certain other rays than the other rays that exist. For example, the ray of death works in conjunction with the ray of the Law. The ray of the Law combines with the ray of Wisdom, the ray of medicine combines with the ray of Love and Science etc. etc. The ray of Liberation combines with the ray of Force.

The various rays form a web of interconnection. Just as a self-realised Being incorporates all the rays within It.


Even though we all belong to a particular Ray, we have all of them within us and in our spiritual work we make use of each one of them.

End (2484).

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