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Tuesday 17 July 2018

Core Beliefs Are Wide Vision Filters – (2491)

The core beliefs that we have in our psyche serve as lenses or glasses or filters by which we see the world and interpret the events that happen in our lives and in the lives of others.

Are you aware of the various filters that you have in operation within your psychic apparatus?

Some examples of core beliefs are:
  • Things usually go wrong.
  • People can’t be trusted.
  • People end up going against you in the end.
  • People should only do the good.
  • God is good.
  • Women get their way in the long run.
  • All men are a pain.
  • What I have and what I do is superior.
  • Who I am is superior.
  • Who, what I think and do is inferior or not what is right most of the time.
  • People don’t really love others or me for that matter.
  • I have the most beautiful mother, son, daughter and yours are not as beautiful, loving, caring…

All a lot of non-sense oozing out of our heads that must be questioned, seen as false and then eliminated. Certainly not believed in as true.

End (2491).

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