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Sunday 8 July 2018

Deep Meaning Behind Why Hercules Killed the Eagle that Pecked Away the Liver of Prometheus - (2466)

11th Labour of Hercules - Legend has It

Legend has it, that Hercules on his way to complete his eleventh labour, which was to bring to King Eurystheus the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides, he encountered Prometheus.

Prometheus was a Titan (an ancient primordial God) that stole the fire from the Gods in order to give it to mortal men. He did this to help men, though after having done so he was punished by Zeus, where by he was to be chained to a rock and an eagle would descend during the day and eat out his liver. He was given a rest a night where his liver would regenerate and the following day the eagle would return to eat out his liver once again.

So when Hercules found Prometheus he killed the Eagle and freed Prometheus, and he continued on his way to garden of Hesperides to fetch the golden apples. Before leaving, as a reward for having freed Prometheus, Prometheus himself gave Hercules the secret to fetching the golden apples.

The secret was that Hercules had to get Atlas, another Titan to fetch the apples for him, and that he should not fetch it himself.

Ok so here my recounting of the myth ends and the meaning of it begins...

Deep Meaning

That is such a strange thing that Hercules would kill the noble eagle that was a symbol for Zeus himself. Gnostically speaking the golden apples are the fruits of sexuality, or in other words the results of one's sexuality used in the way of the Being to tread the path. The tree upon which they grow is the tree of the science of good and evil and that tree we know is sexuality. The garden of Hesperides is the Garden of Eden and Prometheus is our inner Lucifer, our psychological trainer and the one who gives us the sexual fire or the drive or the propensity to work sexually within the Alchemy.

So on the path where the 11th Labour of Hercules is being carried out, the master has already died within him or herself and so precisely at this point the inner Lucifer can be liberated from His function of training us, and the Being Itself ends the role that Lucifer had, as this role of being the psychological trainer and the supplier of the sexual force is no longer needed. 

Hercules is the Intimate Christ, the eagle is the inner Logos and Prometheus is the inner Lucifer. They are all parts of the Being and so the Being Itself is the one that ends one role to give rise to another. 

This role is not needed anymore because the ego has died and the sexual force is now in the process of coming completely into the hands of the inner Being. This is represented by the collection of the golden apples from the tree of the science of Good and Evil and is made fully complete when the three headed dog - representing the full sexual force is taken out of the underground by Hercules without any weapons of any kind.

Another interesting aspect in this labour is that Atlas is tricked by Hercules to fetch the apples. Atlas agrees to fetch the apples as long as Hercules takes his place. As Atlas is about to hand over the world to Hercules he puts down the apples and Hercules hands the world to him and says that he would like to put some wool on his shoulders to protect himself a little then Hercules grabs the apples and runs.

Atlas is a part of our Being my marvellous missionary says, and that part of the Being fulfils the function of esoteric timing. At this stage the work to be done is almost complete and so the the timing or scheduling needed for the various esoteric tasks and their karmic delays etc. is now over and so the tricking of Atlas has much to do with the inner Being now having taken Its work out of time, time is no longer of concern.

End (2466).

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