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Tuesday 31 July 2018

Fear Says the Work and the Being are !@#$ %^&* – (2524)


When we have an attack of fear the lowdown of what fear says to us is: “the work and the Real Being are fictitious and don’t work”.

In such a statement we see what? Answer: distrust and skepticism!

The power of this distrust comes from the quantity of belief we five to this statement. If we stop believing in such a statement which is the motto of fear, we open up ourselves to trust and that trust moving in our system displaces fear.

Fight Back!

The question is: “Is that really true?”. The answer is, if one has worked on themselves before, the answer is no! Because one has made changes in their life and one has arrived at results. Therefore, that is a false statement. The work works and therefore the work can transform any of the consequences inside of ourselves that we are scared of.

The one in us that applies the work is our essence and behind our essence the Being in us. If we created those feelings of fear, don’t you think that we can reverse them. Imagine than that we have the help of the higher self, the Spirit, the Real Being within us. Wouldn’t it be so much easier!

It does not make sense to be closed and doubtful about the work. It only makes sense to trust the work and the Being within you!

Death Without Fear is Alright!

As has been said before, if we were about to die or go through the most difficult situation and we did not have fear it would be alright! Yes it would physically be painful, inconvenient, costly, arduous but going through that without fear is the 100 times better than going through it with fear! The real suffering is the fear, not so much the physical pain. The pain can bloody hurt though but without fear it is not as bad as it could be.

Tell me what would you rather  have fear or physical pain? I chose physical pain.

So then How Does Trust Repair the Punctured Hydraulic Hoses Operating the Landing Gear of the Plane you are Going to Land?

Answer: It doesn’t! It prepares you positively for your next life and allows you to die closer to the Being rather than in anguish, panic and dread!

End (2524).

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