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Monday 16 July 2018

Flavour of the Horizontal Line of Life – (2489)


Counter Measure It! It is good to deeply know the flavour of this line and the characteristics of this line. Even so much so, to know why this line has the characteristics that it does.

Knowing the above points in question, helps us to climb onto the vertical.

This post is an attempt at explaining the above points. In the hope that it will provide a clear and didactic motivation to move ourselves more onto the vertical line in the here and now, where we can find ourselves on it (the vertical line).

Every Man and His Dog…

"Every man and his dog" walks this line. It is often about dreaming, thinking of a better future, thinking that things will get better for us in the future and the better things all the while just never seem to arrive as expected…

Past and Future

It is about looking back with regret and bitterness, and in many ways it is about carrying the bitterness of the past into the present. In many ways it is about not liking pain but at the same time it is wanting the pain, because that defines us and gives us character and experience…we think.

We may wish to be better but it seems too hard and plus we don’t really know how, and it is even believed that others don’t really know how either. So the best way is to just get on with your life and forget about wanting to know more or be better.

Don't look to the stars at night and wonder, look down and into your daily duties and try and be happy...but how we always ask...

The future is scary, the news each day reminds us of this, and so we look for security and we think that the answer is in insurance, money and people, family and friends. Yet not one of these things can save us from getting cancer.

Science and Religion

Science is perceived as having discovered something but still there is so much yet to know. Plus human beings have no capacity to know anything about space and its higher dimensions, and there is still so much unknown about ourselves and about nature, and it seems that no one else knows either. Science is looked to for the answers but many of the answers change from one day to the next.

Science and religion conflict and we are in between, not knowing how to reconcile them…

Religion offers us something that appeals to us, yet it just seems too good to be true, especially when we have to work so hard here in life to get anything and with religion we get the greatest thing – heaven - all for little effort (an hour's mass a week). In the background the scepticism continues, but we are too afraid to question what has been around for thousands of years. And underneath, we remain disappointed and sigh for something objective and real, but nothing in life can bring that to us.

The Aussie version of "every Man and His Dog".

Always Outside

Because of looking always externally we only believe that we are body and mind, and the fulfilment of life is in others, our job, traveling, experiences, a job well done etc. etc.


Death is the worst thing that we can imagine, it is completely unknown, Theories, near death experiences are more and more common, yet it solves nothing, our body and mind will die and so we think all that awaits us is total annihilation. But yet we hear that we are a soul, but what is the soul, still we don’t really know for ourselves, and we move in the hazy clouds of belief.

The ignorance of the horizontal line is the greatest lacking and it is what characterises more than anything the horizontal life of life.


Sex reigns as the ultimate pursuit, yet the way it is used, it becomes ultimate slavery. All external vices become the hope to bring what is truly missing in sex but can never be gotten as long as love is missing and the sexual energy is lost. Pornography, night time venues, affairs, movies, web sites, are all used to bring what is missed from sex but, of course fail, digging the hole of slavery deeper.


Happiness is so elusive and fleeting. Our happiness unfortunately depends on external circumstances while we are on the horizontal line of life. We need something favourable and enjoyable set up from a third party to feel happy once again. Which alas, could be in a log cabin in the Alaskan wilderness. We still need the log cabin and the Alaskan wilderness.

Everyone Else

Everyone else is to blame for our misfortunes, if that person would not have said that or told us that, or yelled at us I would be better off and not in this difficulty now.

If only they would change a little…


Life seems to be just about making money, going through the motions that everyone else does. Buy a house, a car, marry, go on holiday, have wonderful children that turn out difficult to make wonderful and so on and so on.

We all always want more money and when that more arrives we want more or we go off the rails… and what we wanted so much becomes our demise…

No Time, Too Tired

There is never enough time and energy. We are always tired and have our schedule totally full. We always live on our surface and far from the depths of ourselves (our essence)...


This is the flavour of the horizontal line of life, it leaves much to be desired and the vertical line is the opposite of these characteristics.

End (2489).


  1. Hehe buy a hose! It does seem like a hose sometimes pouring out the money. Thank you for your writings they are much appreciated.

  2. I must need glasses, I thought i read buy a hose, however you have said buy a house.

  3. Oh sorry you were right, it did say buy a hose but I read through it today and fixed up a few errors.You are right that it is in some ways what a house is, a hose that makes money disappear.
