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Sunday 8 July 2018

Jealousy is a Mixture of Emotions – Not Just One – (2472)


This is an important observation actually. Sometimes we feel sad and empty or even anxious and we don’t associate that sadness or anxiety with jealousy. Do we?

Mainly because we think jealousy only has one set of emotions, like an angry resentful type of flavour. But that is only a part of it, definitely not the full spectrum of emotions that comes from this defect.

This is because a defect has many egos attached to it, and jealousy is indeed a defect. One of the seven capital defects. It is more than an “I”, it is a conjunction of “I’s”.

Spectrum of Emotions

First of all it starts with a protest of the unfair. Then it goes to like a resentment or distrust against the one who we are in a relationship with. Then ill will or a kind of annoyance or anger is felt towards the other person we are not in a relationship with.

These feelings develop over a while and then one day in a social event they manifest so overwhelming intensely that we feel overwhelmed, and then we feel like a kind of anxiety because we suddenly we the feeling we are not in control anymore.

Then we worry that we will loose it again, and loosing it will definitely drive the person we are in a relationship with away. That worry extends to be worried about being abandoned and the worry turn to fear. The fear then leads to a kind of sadness or emptiness where we sink into a kind of despair.

End (2472).

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