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Friday 20 July 2018

As An Absolute No One is Important – Realise and Accept, then Freedom Comes then there is Love – (2501)

We Always Want to Be Important to Someone

This desire is one that brings great suffering to so many people. Sometimes the emotion of it is so intense we are really stopped in our tracks. Filled with emotions of a gapingly empty, despairing and painful type of emotions, looking into the distance and our attention and mind lost in the worry of all that it will mean... 

This suffering is remedied by using the pain of not being important to someone to go inwards and remember the Being dwelling within and really really making the Being in us important to us and really really loving the Being within us.

Sometimes when a person sees that they are not important to someone or anyone they suffer unspeakably and can get very depressed and worse…

The very interesting point is that in the absolute sense really no one is important to anyone and we are not important to anyone and no one is important to us. I don’t write this in a pessimistic tone or sad tone but in one that is realistic and liberating. 

In the end it is the Being dwelling within everyone, that is important to everyone.

Truth: No One Is Important – It Does Not Exist in the Universe

Physical death shows us this, that when someone dies life goes on. Our body continues to work, our life continues, people continue, problems roll in needing to be solved, souls that are still hungry for a balm giving knowledge are still restless looking for light…

Jesus, Buddha, Master Samael... the most important people we could say to mankind all left and we are here continuing on, fighting for the light…

When we realise that we are not important to anyone and no one is important to us in an absolute sense, then we are free in our relationships. Because there is nothing that we need to do to impress or establish in another person and there is nothing that they have to do, to impress us to become important to us. When there is nothing that is needed to be received or given in order to keep up that obsession of being important another person then both people who love are freer. Then the two people who love, really love fuller.

Imagine a relationships where both understand that each one is not absolutely important to each other and it is the Being of each on that is absolutely important. It would be closer to bliss wouldn't it. Wouldn't there be more respect, more conscious relating and wouldn't each one work more for the Being of each other.

When there is that feeling of 'you owing me importance' there is a lot of really rough and tough emotions, and that makes life the far opposite of bliss.  


This freedom that I talk about is one that is to be treasured internally within oneself or shared with another who has the same understanding. I say this because if you bring this outside you will make a lot of people upset. People are still important to us relatively but absolutely that is a different question – the Being within us is the one that only has that place of Absolute importance to us!

End (2501).

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