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Wednesday 25 July 2018

Panic Attacks Know them Well and Say Welcome and they Start to Ease Off – (2516)

Know Them

I have had several panic attacks over a spate of a couple of years some time ago, so I know what they are about. You know they have a remedy.

They in the beginning are very alarming as we really don’t know what is going on. The symptoms are so strange and intense. We think that we are going to have a heart attack or vomit or faint and we just don’t know what to do or how to control what we are feeling.

The cold sweating, the nausea, the feelings of about to faint, the racing and thumping heart, disorientation and the overwhelming urge to unbutton your shirt a little and go outside to get fresh air.

Well after several of them you start to fear them and that makes your life worse. You fear them even more in social situations because you know that while having a panic attack you are not yourself you are very irrational and anti-social.

This makes them into a problem while the underlying cause is still there, which is a kind of fear.

What You Understand

After many and many of them you come to understand that yes they are unpleasant but you do not die from them even if you feel you will. But you don’t die. I am still looking to find someone who has died of a panic attack.

You can go to the hospital and they will do all sorts of examinations all to find that there’s nothing wrong with you.


The key here is to accept them, welcome them kindly and not see them as a problem anymore. And while they are unfolding observe them without any kind of thoughts.

Ok you vomit and go nuts at a social gathering, ok good you will get to see who your friends are. You’ll see who you relate to essence to essence and who really cares about you.

So say ok panic attack you can come along, you are not a problem for me, yes you are intense but you will pass and the doom and dire no solution perception that you are giving me is not entirely right, there is always a solution. I have a Being and It can help, it may take time but I will get through it.


Why do we have panic attacks? Because of underlying fear that produces anxiety that changes our perceptions into thinking that there is no way out, no solution, no remedy and no way to ease things off.

But life teaches us always that one: things go up and down, they are hard then they are easy. Two: If we are honest, sincere and try we will be helped and three: if we just wait, things change, the sky opens up and the shines through the clouds.

End (2516).

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