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Tuesday 10 July 2018

People Have the Right to Humiliate Us - (2471)

Seems Like they Shouldn't, but Reality Says Otherwise

We have to face it, people have the right to humiliate and disrespect us. People can humiliate and disrespect us, there is nothing stopping them, and when they think that it is needed they certainly do. Even we have humiliated and disrespected others in the past, and we felt justified in doing it. So what ca we say about others?

We Have the Right to Not Feel Humiliated and Disrespected

The very interesting thing is that we have a right internally that we seldom exercise. We just stupidly exercise the right to humiliate back.

We have the right within us to not allow ourselves to feel what is implied or expected of us to feel i.e. subdued, worried, sad etc. we have the psychological right to feel as we wish. 

Of course if we are aware of this right and we can separate from the egos that force us to feel humiliated and disrespected who would choose to feel humiliated and disrespected. Well I wouldn't would you?


The key here is to not disrespect ourselves or humiliate ourselves. That is where the real disrespect and humiliation happens. It is hopeless, totally hopeless fighting to get others to respect us. We though don't have to be around people that disrespect us and humiliate us, we can choose a different kind of company, but always knowing that the real right is internal.

End (2471).

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