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Monday 23 July 2018

So Many People Know the Teachings! But Few Do Them… - (2508)

We come across so many people these days that have heard of Gnosis and know about the death of the ego and the transmutation of the sexual energy, but the sad thing is that they are not really applying or living those teachings.

That is worse for the essence, to know and to not apply. The essence suffers greatly and the karma is heavier.

This is a good reason why to eliminate curiosity. "Curiosity killed the cat" as they say.
The ego that just wishes to know to prove that it can know everything and that there is nothing hidden from it is a nuisance. It does not have the essence’s best interests at heart. It does one thing good which is to bring the essence into contact with the knowledge and that is all, but it then does not follow through into action so to know more. It just stops there and gives up, thinking that knowing is doing and being.

End (2508).

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