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Sunday 8 July 2018

Three Primary Forces and the Death of the Ego - (2464)

Three Primary Forces

The three primary forces are the: Holy Affirming, the Holy Negating and the Holy Conciliating.

In other terms they are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Or Kether, Chockmah and Binah.

When Facing the Ego

The first thing to do with the ego is to notice it arising and deny it, that is say "no" to it. When we do that, we activate the force of the Holy Denying within us. 

Once we deny the ego, we can take the next step which is to affirm the truer action of the qualities of the essence. This is to affirm the action that corresponds more to the true nature of things, which behind it all is the Real Being. Once the ego we affirm the right action of the free essence that aligns with the essence.

When there has been denial and affirmation the two opposites have made contact and the result is a spark which liberates fire and energy, which is the Holy conciliating, which we know as the Third Logos, which Master Samael has taught is the sexual fire, and which in Kabbalah we know has the principal quality of wisdom and also as Comprehension. 

Then we have performed the right work to deliver the ego to the Divine Mother for her to process the result which is to devour it with fire and in doing so it is liberated and transformed. That is what the fire in us does, and it also what it is everywhere and anywhere: transform and liberate the essence of things.


An ego of lust of arises in us and presents us with an idea.  We notice this strange idea and we say to  the ego using our intellectual centre: "Sorry I am not going to dwell upon that idea." Then we affirm the right action of the essence, which is to not deal with our sexuality in that way, and instead the right thing to do is to transmute and that take the sexual energy higher within us, effectively taking it out of the egos hand's.

The bringing together of these two opposites produces the comprehension that the right way is transmutation and that the sacrifice involved in doing that is worth it more than the pain involved in doing what the ego wants. 

Then with that sacrifice made, we are already set of fire, the principle of fire is working within us and it is conducive that we pray and beg our Divine Mother - our inner fire to devour that ego and liberate the essence bottled within it.


The three forces, complemented by the information presented by the Tree of Life, gives us the basic design to dissolve the ego. In fact without knowing, when we work on comprehending and dissolving the ego we are actually activating the forces of the Logoic Triangle within us. Amazing hey! 

End (2464).

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