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Saturday 18 August 2018

How a Talisman Works - (2564)

An Old Jacket

Have you ever had the experience of having to go through the possessions of a relative who has died? I had that experience a little while ago. As you are going through their old possessions and sorting things out - what stays and what goes, you always come across something that is just 'so them', such as an old jacket that they used so often, that they wore to so many meetings and occasions and it is impregnated with their odour and 'them', like 'their vibes'. As soon as you see, touch and smell the jacket you remember them intensely so much so that it seems that they are there with you. This is a kind of human talisman. For this talisman to work there is something of the person in the object (the jacket say) and there is also something inside of us. The magic of a talisman is that the two natures, the one in the object and the one inside of us meet and amplify each other(more the one in us) after meeting, producing a very psychological effect in us (activating our memory and love etc.).

A talisman is like the 'old jacket' talisman mentioned above except that instead of being charged with human vibrations and emanations it is charged with spiritual emanations, which appeal to us esoterically or spiritually as well as to our psyche.

Because so often we are not living in our essence we do not perceive the power of a talisman that has been charged with spiritual forces. None the less though the forces charged into the talisman are present and do help us, we just do not perceive it most of the time.

There are times though when we do perceive it and this is when we are very low or are in a negative state of mind.

Really though, a talisman is one that has been charged with a spiritual force as well as the force of the person who will be using it. Such a talisman acts to evoke in the person the same force that was used to consecrate the talisman.

For example, if a person feels weak and the talisman was consecrated with force (the planet Mars, Samael) then the talisman will be of help when the person feels weak. Just imagine if we could have asked Master Samael to consecrate a talisman of force for us. It would have been the best talisman of force ever! A ring made of iron and Master Samael consecrating it would make it the best talisman of Mars which brings spiritual strength to us.

I mentioned iron in this case, because as a metal iron is a part of the Earth that draws or channels the forces of Mars, it is said to be the metal of Mars. Just as gold is the metal of the sun and silver is the metal of the moon.

End (2564).

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