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Wednesday 29 August 2018

Jealousy is About Dissolving Three – (2587)


Sorry another jealousy post. Tomorrow is a different day so there will be different posts tomorrow.

Three No!

When there are just two, there is no jealousy. When there is three there is a problem, and jealousy appears to solve this problem.

All the feelings of insecurity, being loved less, being only half-loved, feeling abandoned etc. all appear when three hovers around and comes into the picture.

You know before three arrived, we were loved the same and when three arrives we are still loved the same. Because of the comparison we feel that we are loved less and feeling the ‘less’ is what jealousy can’t stand.

Jealousy is in place in many ways to dissolve three. It is committed to dissolving three. That is its end goal. The way it does it depends on the level of Being of the person, but in the end three must be dissolved.


The very interesting thing here is the relativity. Jealousy seeks a way to physically remove three. This way it removes relativity and all the very uncomfortable feelings that arise.

What we really want is to not feel those uncomfortable feelings.

But what about if we can’t remove three physically. Then jealousy tries to do it psychologically by forcing the other person to not like three.

The key is to transcend relativity within us by turning jealousy inside out.

To transcend relativity, we must go to the absolute value or free value. Which in jealousy is love, trust and our Being. If we direct our love and trust to our inner Being we see that our Being is the one who watches over and controls the relationship and love is not a rigid thing, it is by its nature elastic, sometimes we are loved less and sometimes more, and both sides more and less are equally valid and teach us something. The 'more' will come again and the 'less' too in a cycle.

All the abandoned, not being protected, not being loved, not trusting in the sincerity of the other person's love feelings, all can be overcome when we trust in our inner Being and send our love up to It. Knowing that our inner Being will not abandon us and it is us that must love our inner Being and the love for our inner Being is more important than being loved.

End (2587).

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