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Monday 20 August 2018

Live in the Mystery of Your Life – (2570)

Our life is a mystery and to taste this mystery we need to be in it living.

Unfortunately, we live in our mind too much, which is not always deeply in touch with our life, where we can savour this mystery.

If we were ever to find our essence and get a glimpse of the workings of our inner Being, it would only ever be in our life, definitely not in our mind.

That is why the practice of mental silence throughout the day and night is so fundamental.

To settle deeply into our life among many things means to settle down into our very own heart.

The heart and the mind are two different worlds. The heart sits at the centre of our life, it is the giver of our life and it is our core. In our heart we may find our essence and glimpse our inner Being.

Relaxation and a letting go allows us to settle down into our heart. Once we are there it is good to be there a while and observe what inner feelings come to feeling pane of the heart, breathe and take strength and deeper relaxation.

End (2570).

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