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Tuesday 7 August 2018

Master Samael About How the Christ is Fire – (2538)


This is a wonderful passage from a talk given by Master Samael. Here he explains what I have been wanting to find about the fire for a long time. The last five paragraphs I find a very relevant to us. It basically says that everything is fire and our own essence is fire. It seems in general that prana and energy in general is a form a fire.


“The Christ is not an Individual, he is not a person, he is not a Self; Christ is a Cosmic Force that is latent in every atom of the Universe, it is the UNIVERSAL FIRE OF LIFE (that is how to understand it), it is Fire.

I was at the dawn of the Maha-Manvantara and I witnessed the dawn of life. When the Army of the Word began to make the Chaotic Matter fertile so that life could rise, I saw the Cosmic Christ take human form, I saw him enter the Temple and sign a covenant to crucify himself on the cross to save Men and Gods ...

The Christ is the Universal Fire of Life. A lot could be said about the Christ and I will tell you the following: The Christ is defined with four letters that are on the cross of the martyr of Calvary (INRI, IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRAM (fire renews nature incessantly).

The Fire is crucified here, on Earth. If we hit one stone with another, fire leaps out. Where is the place from where the flame leaps out from? From the same water is where the liquid fire hides, in the stones the mineral fire, in air the gaseous fire. So, then, Fire is in everything that is, it has been and will be; Fire has no beginning or end.

If we strike a match, we will see with amazement that a flame bursts forth. It is said that "the flame that is the match, is the product of combustion", but such a concept is false. We assert that combustion exists due to fire, there could be no combustion without fire.

Fire was enclosed there, within the matter that of the match; with striking the match what was achieved was to release the flame so that it will ignite fully. Fire makes the hand to move to strike the match; without Fire, without life, that hand can not move; fire is latent there, otherwise fire would not appear, because nothing comes out of nothing.

Fire maintains, in its processes, all existing organisms, all human species, all animal species and all that is, all that has been and all that will be.

Fire, in itself, is sacred. Who knows the nature of Fire? Nobody, right?

Life itself exists by Fire; more so THE ESSENCE ITSELF IS LIVING FIRE. When that Essence (which is Fire) comes into existence, the creature is formed and born; when the Fire (the Essence) abandons the physical body, the body dies. So, we come to the world by Fire and we go when Fire abandons us

Now, what we Gnostics are interested in is not so much Physical Fire, but the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame - the ASTRAL SIGNATURE OF FIRE. This, in itself, is the Intimate Christ; only He can (from within) save us and finish destroying the undesirable elements that we carry within us.”

End (2538).

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