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Thursday 16 August 2018

The Events in Life That We Take as Downfalls Can be Transformed – (2556)

We All Have Downs

We all have our low points in our life, don't we?

We pass through many high and low points in life, and in these high and low points are a part of our life. We can’t really avoid them. They will happen...

If we are in a low point we can be sure a high point will come, and if we are in a high point later on, a low point will come...

A constant cycle of up, down, up, down follows onwards and onwards in our life...

The useful thing for us, is to know that each high and each low are something valid in themselves and each have their own unique value, quality or lesson for us.

The lesson that each high and low has for us is very helpful. For us to only like the high points is for us to only allow ourselves to learn half of our life’s lessons.

The Low Points

What really I think bothers us is when one of our egos takes those low points. The ego that takes the low point seems to make the experience of the low point worse, doesn’t it?

If an ego does takes such a low point we can using our psychological work transform the way we feel.

The low point is a valid thing in itself and it comes to teach us something or help us to improve something…

If we can catch onto what we can change or improve we are already doing a marvelous thing which is transforming the low point into consciousness.

There is also a psychological lesson for us in each low point. There is the lesson as to what in our psychology brought on the low point and there is also the psychological lesson of how we can better take such ‘low’ events in life...

End (2256).

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