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Friday 17 August 2018

The Need to Forgive – (2561)

It is for ourselves that we need to forgive. It is good for the other too that we forgive, and it is something of a gentle and kind gesture of the heart that warms the other, but more than anything else, it heals and releases us.

Our heart deep down wants to forgive and love. That is its nature to do so. We deeply want to accept and express our nature.

When we are at odds with another for not loving as we would have wished, it is our turn to love and forgive and in doing so we heal and renew our love.

Perhaps we are upset because another did not love us as we wanted or did not love someone related to us, such as our son, our daughter, our mother, a friend. It is not their job really to love, but it is our job to love them, and it turns out that when we are upset at them for not loving our son or daughter, we have stopped loving them as well and we may even love less our son and daughter because the other does not love them.

It is a situation where we lose love trying to get love. We wish that another would love our son and daughter more, and in doing so we end up damaging the love we have. We love less the other person and that is fading of our love.

May we accept that the other does not love as we would have liked and keep our love intact embracing both the other as well as our son and daughter.

To forgive is to care for our love, because our love is a great treasure to us. I wonder how can we love our Being so much and not forgive and love our fellow man.

End (2561).

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