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Friday 17 August 2018

Travelling Within – (2559)


This is somewhat of a repost. Where I previously touched upon how we can have a special feeling, almost like a need to walk by the ocean, visit the river, climb a mountain, walk through the city, sit in a park… It is so relaxing to be able to do this on a weekend, and even more relaxing when time is no object.

What I would like to write about here is that we can also travel to places (interval states) within ourselves, and maybe dare I say it, this is where we really wish to go to when we visit a park, the ocean, a river etc.

No doubt when we meditate we travel within ourselves, to more peaceful places (states).

When we read a book we travel also. We travel into our memories, our nostalgia perhaps, our reminisces, our imagination and feelings, even into new worlds, or the old worlds of ancient history, the medieval times, the worlds of esotericism and so on.

When we work psychologically we travel into the ego (our abyss) and then if we are successful we travel out of the ego and into a new understanding, a new state of consciousness, a new perspective…

In normal thinking we always travel, sometimes to the past and sometimes to the future. Sometimes to what we like and dislike, and sometimes to what we accept and reject.

In Short

In short we can travel to many places, states and feelings within us all the while being seated on a chair.

End (2559).

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