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Monday 3 September 2018

Fear and Ambition Behind Seeing Symbols in the Physical World – (2599)

Careful of Paranoia

Before studying Gnosis we did not see things as symbols for something. But as soon as we started studying Gnosis we began to see things as symbols for this or that.

So, in effect this is really another ego that we have created…

Behind this ego is fear and ambition.

We see symbols because it could mean that something bad is going to happen. Which is really just another projection of fear.

If it is not fear behind seeing things as symbols, it is ambition, where with unrealistic wishful thinking we wish and wrongly take things that happen as signs of progress on our path. When really deep down we know we are not at that level yet.

Allowing this ego to get too big will end us up in a kind of paranoiac state.


Just another ego conditioned by duality that deceives us with its tactful esoteric oriented interpretations.

End (2599).

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