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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Keeping Personality Passive – (2625)


Keeping our personality passive is best done when we know how to do it – of course – pretty obvious nothing new there! The thing is though that we mostly don’t know how to do it, but we really want to.
So then, to do it, we have to know when our personality is active. To know when it is active we must first of all know our personality.

Knowing when our personality is active is about knowing when what constitutes our personality is active. That is, if we know the characteristics and properties of the personality we can know when they are active in us, and then therefore we can know when the personality is active in us.

So here is a little list of some of the properties of the personality.
  • Name
  • Role
  • Job
  • Nationality
  • Social Class
  • Marital Status
  • Country
  • Education
  • Religion
  • Traditions
  • Upbringing
  • Sympathy with personal likes and circumstances
  • Preoccupations
  • Vanity
  • Reputation
  • Personal likes and dislikes
  • Human life matters
  • Fashion
  • Personal traits and characteristics
  • Personal concepts and beliefs
  • Personal ways and styles of doing things
  • Rules to do with eating, dressing, behaving socially etc.
  • Security


When Active

Typically, our personality is active when it seeks these things and or defends these things. An active personality mostly implies action.

An active personality either accepts or rejects, but is very seldom neutral.

An active personality is one which seeks out information and also seek to control events, people and circumstances so to assure its interests and likes are taken care of.


Once we know when the personality is active we can then make an effort to pacify it.

In order to pacify our personality it is necessary to see and think outside of the box of personality. 

Only with the esoteric teachings or the consciousness can we really think outside of the box of our personality.

End (2625).

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