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Friday 28 September 2018

Sacred Sites – (2637)

Many are They

There are really many sacred sites on the planet Earth. Most are related to religions and indigenous peoples. There are even instances where the one site may be sacred to a number of religions but not to all religions. Such an example is the temple mount in the old city of Jerusalem. Where the mount is sacred to Judaism, Islam and also Christianity.

Those sites that stand unrelated to any religion, but are sacred to indigenous people more often than not, are those that are felt by every visitor to be special, regardless of religion, race or culture. In these cases, it is the sacredness of Mother Nature that impresses the spirituality (essence) of every human being who visits.

Whereas perhaps in the religions sacred sites it is the structure of beliefs held in a person that are deeply impressed, more so than the natural essence of the person. But it can also be that both, one’s belief structure and one’s essence can be impressed visiting a sacred site.

There are such sacred sites in the far north of Australia, even Ayers Rock in central Australia as well in North America: the Grand canyon, Sedona etc. that imprint directly the sense of the sacred, the Divine, on the essence of the visitor.

The "Pinnacles" in Western Australia. Two hours drive north of Perth.

Different to a Temple

A sacred site is one that stands out from the many areas of Earth as one which leans to the Divine, to the sacred and is one that emanates a kind of power…

A sacred site is one that is not a temple, it is one that has not been constructed by human hands to be assigned as sacred, but rather is a natural feature or a specific location.


When it comes to a religion, a sacred site is usually where an event, central to the founding principles of the religion took place.

For example, Bethlehem – (birthplace of Jesus) and Calvary (Golgotha) where the passion of Jesus unfolded are regarded as sacred sites to Christianity. The temple mount in the old city of Jerusalem for Juadiasm and the Islam.


When it comes to nature and indigenous peoples, a sacred site is sacred because it is the place, or a feature, where certain spiritual energies descend or meet.

Perhaps there is a door to the internal worlds there, perhaps a focussing point of some of the Earth’s important magnetic fields and electrical currents, perhaps a mountain - where every mountain is an antenna to receive cosmic energies, perhaps a chakra of the planet…

It is good to note that even the planet as a living organism must have its chakras, which are magnetic centres where vital energies converge and radiate.

Sometimes a sacred site of nature, religion and indigenous mythology coincide, such as in the case of the source of a river (the Ganges and the Jordan rivers), a mountain, an island, a mount, etc. And also as what Fulcanelli alluded to in relation to with the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, where the site upon which the medieval cathedral was built is significant, as many magnetic currents moving through travelling through underground channels imparts a special energy to the site of the cathedral.

A Location Mapped Out

Why is that location sacred? Why has that location been selected to be sacred and not the area 200m north or south of it?

We can only say that it is because as a site is mapped out by thress lines of Euclidean geometery, it is because several (at least three) lines of force convergence at this spot, thus mapping out the site. Every site has a specific point in space, and force descends we are told descends in lines.


Over such sacred sites many wars have been fought, and much blood has been spilled. Many men have given their lives to preserve these sites as sacred – thus showing the high importance these sites have in the mind and heart of people.

Interior Sacred Sites

“As above so below” once again applies directly here. We too within our body and psyche are sacred sites. Our chakras, our heart are all natural sacred sites. Within our psyche there are several sacred values and within our mind there are many sacred concepts.

The chakras remain sacred as long as our body prevails, the sacred values prevail beyond the mind and body and the sacred concepts within the mind can change…

Up Next…

Coming up in the next posts will be some posts about the temples and the heart temple within the human being.

End (2637).

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