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Thursday 20 September 2018

The Attitude to Love Leads More to Love than the 'Know How' of Love – (2633)

Love is in giving, less in receiving. Receiving is a product of first having given. The completion, the joy, the rest, the peace is all in giving.

The joy of love resides in the choice to help others.

Authentic love is not dependent on receiving, circumstances, events etc. Love always starts in the small details, that is in small actions. To smile at a stranger even though it is so brief, is an act of love.

There is love in movement in the teacher who is tired after having spent the whole day working to make the money necessary to survive, and stands up in front of a group of people to impart to them the knowledge and keys that will benefit their human and spiritual lives.

We shouldn't dream of giving our life or accomplishing great acts of love if we can’t accomplish small acts of love for the same person, such as being patient, not getting annoyed, washing the dishes, etc.

No real act of love is worthless, every act of love enhances our essence and brings us joy. In that joy  from the act of giving is where there is refuge. Even if what we give another is put straight into the bin...

Nothing is ever wasted, what is given, somehow by the law of reciprocity comes back to us.

End (2633).

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