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Wednesday 5 September 2018

The “Important Trick” of the Ego Must be Left Behind to Progress in Dissolution – (2603)

Why We Can’t Let Go!

When working on the ego, we make progress and we are about to let it go and it is almost about to be displaced out our human machine, then the thought and feeling arises: “it is important, I can’t not let it go and I have try to solve it and fix it!”.

This happens with self-love, resentment, wounded pride, worried jealousy, fear, control, etc. etc.

So then the ego stays in our human machine and it tries to fix the issue. As it does not really know how to fairly fix the issue or problem it makes a mess in our life. It attacks, demands, accuses, reprimands, gets angry etc. etc. and pain everywhere is felt.

So What is the Solution?


To Trust
Either we just don’t worry about it and with will power we let it go and enjoy watching the ego leave our human machine. Or if we can not worry about it, we can resort to trust. Trusting that our Being, our work, our good-will, time, the work of the person and the Law will resolve it.

Feeling that trust we can let it go and enjoy not being identified with that ego.

End (2603).

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