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Friday 14 September 2018

To Accept the Esoteric Work is to Accept a Divine Origin of Man – (2616)

Perhaps we are not aware of it, but in working on ourselves esoterically we have accepted that we have an origin other than the Darwinian Theory and any other commonplace offshoot of such a theory.

To work on ourselves means that we have a destination. In the esoteric work that destination is our very origin. The work is a return to our pristine point of departure.

Time after all is a closed circle. The Universe is that way where all returns to its origin.

A person who believes in evolution as their origin is one who also believes in linear time. Such a person will not believe a future cataclysm or a cycle of time ending.

Sorry don't think so...
I find it very difficult that a person working on themselves esoterically believes that their origin lies in a process of evolution from a starting point of an ape, fish or the likes.

The theme of the origin of man is central in the background of the work. Because man has a divine origin and because time is round, our possible line of development leads back to our very source or origin. So, our future is our origin, plus the benefit of the wisdom from the experience.

We are all working towards our origin.

In fact, to work on ourselves means that we have left behind at some point the materialistic theories of the origin of man, or we never ever subscribed to it in the first place.

End (2616).


  1. Darwin evolution ends at the animal human. If one does not work esoterically then one will devolve. Working esoterically gives one opportunity to continue evolving back to divine. I choose the latter with work on the path. Gratitude to my being for opportunity to be on the path.

  2. Thank you for such an excellent testimony. Much appreciated!
