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Thursday 25 October 2018

A Gift Returned – (2681)


A didactic examination by the consciousness of this event that befalls one from time to time in the events and circumstances of life.


  • Narrator
  • Ego
  • Person
  • Consciousness


Narrator:              Before we begin, it is useful to set the background of this event. This event of life can typically bring out the egos of pride, self-love and self-compassion. Perhaps just one or a combination of all three or just two. For this demonstration we will focus on the combination of pride and self-love.

                                The person in this demonstration is a person who is working on him or herself and really wishes to dissolve the ego, as do we.

        So, the person played by (use name of person) wants to repair some previous harm done and presents a gift to a person. The person takes the gift and a second later returns it ordering the person to take it back stating that he/she does not want it.

Person:                You don’t want it?

Narrator:             The person suffers a very brief initial shock and remains briefly silent as in                                     disbelief of what has just happened.

Ego:                       To the emotional centre: impudent, arrogant, selfish, hard, impenetrable, no acceptance, no recognition. Brick wall. Pain!

Person:                I feel a painful emotion. Uncomfortable and intense.

Narrator:             Now the first conscious shock appears in the person. The recognition or rediscovery of the ego of self-love.

Person:                An ego is now suffering quite intensely. It is not me - the essence that suffers. It is that ego which suffers. It is one block of my psychology (essence) that does not remember the Being in me that is suffering. Because the consciousness would and can transform this, the essence would not suffer like this. I need Separation! Separate! Separate!

Narrator:             The person has now a clear vision of the situation unfolding within him or herself. Of course, the ego is strong and it has not finished. Its power of will is yet is to enter more intensely into manifestation. The ego’s tools to now continue to try and win the battle is its hypnotic grip, which is the combination of beguiling reasoning and desire. Let's see...

Ego:                       To the intellectual centre. I feel I need to do something about it. It is terribly unfair. I made a sincere effort, I took time and invested thought and emotion, the money was honestly earnt to buy that gift. It was given in good will. Something must be said or done to right the situation. Send force and impulses to speak and act to right this situation. The will to force the other to see that they are wrong.

Person:                I still feel that pain. It does not stop. It feels now very uncomfortable. I feel right now I have a choice: go with the pain and make the other know what they have made me feel or seek the light and transform the pain which is darkness into light.

Narrator:             Now the battle is getting difficult.

Person:                I must look to the consciousness to transform these psychological processes and to bring light. Focus the attention in the consciousness. Strengthen the free will: “I am not going to get identified, I am not that one who suffers the essence takes this differently not with suffering”. The essence, the essence, the essence.

Narrator:             Now some inquiry to transform the darkness of pain into light is very useful here.

Person:                Let me examine the thought "it is unfair". Is it truly unfair? Well I did do something hurtful before. Well, truly it is in some way fair, it is not really unfair.

Narrator:             Inquiry and transformation continues. The hypnotic belief of untruths must be broken.

to be continued...

End (2681).

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