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Tuesday 16 October 2018

Don't Go Negative Against Yourself - (2668)

There are many egos in ourselves that like to go against ourselves, and they even express themselves directly: verbally and in action.

Some of those egos are: self-compassion, self-love and self-importance.

There are also other egos which go against ourselves but in a way that we do not immediately recognise. Such as anger and lust. Lust drains our energy and dignity, and anger as well as draining our energy, sets in motion a cause and effect process whereby whom we affect, we will later on be affected in the same way. To hit another is just to hit ourselves. Amazing - we are the 'other'.  

My advice is not to accept anything from those egos. Not their fear nor their disappointment nor their sadness. Certainly not their pain!

We can not control the pain of the body, but with will, consciousnesses and persistence we can certainly control the pain of the ego. Our psyche is ours!

With the remembering of the Being within us and a bit of love for that Being we can stop those egos from going further.

If we have made a mistake. Ok fine, let's rectify it and carry onwards. Work hard and makes things better than before.

We fail, ok we fail, it didn't work, a disaster, whatever the outcome no more accepting the pain. It goes against our inner Being, ourselves and does not make anything better.

End (2668).

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