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Tuesday 9 October 2018

Envy is About Time – (2655)

We envy others for what they have achieved right now. We don’t really envy others for what they have achieved or will achieve. We more envy others for what they have right now, or what they newly acquire.

The interesting thing is, that we may acquire the same, but just at a different time.

Envy is green because it does not trust that it will get what others have achieved. It does not trust our work, working through time to arrive at the goal. It believes that we can’t achieve the goal either. There is distrust on two fronts, distrusting our work over time and distrusting ourselves. Distrust is also quite present in envy – giving it its green colour.

Maybe we feel envy because we lack the trust in ourselves that we can achieve that goal. When we feel trust that we can also do the same, the pangs of envy greatly decrease, or do not even arise in us.

End (2655).

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