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Monday 8 October 2018

Exodus – A More Balanced Approach – (2651)

Significant Aspect of Gnosis

The theme of the Exodus is a small part of the Gnostic teachings, yet it is one that is most likely the most impactful to students.

It is this impactful because of the relevance to the times in which we are living. It also has to do with the nature of the particular mission that Gnosis has to fulfill in these current times.

Very Impactful

This theme is very powerful in that it can really impact our psychology.

It can leave us worrying for years, it can cause great anger, or it can even cause great despair and sadness.

As well warranted as these emotions may seem, neither of them are really helpful to us.

What is better than these emotional reactions is the actions of the work on ourselves.

Three Approaches

There are really three approaches to this theme. The approach that we take can make a big difference between going crazy and ending up collapsing in a screaming heap or working well and steadily.

One approach is ignorance due to fear. Another approach is obsession due to fear as well. These are two extremes that only produce neglect and scepticism one side or major distraction and over preoccupation on the opposite side.

The best approach is the balanced one, the conscious one, which is the middle of the two extremes.

Taking a balanced approach we would accept the exodus and we would work on our psychological transformation to the best of our ability with less preoccupation - just working.


Everyone has something in their mind about the Exodus and for our mental health, emotional well-being, the balanced approach gives us the best results.

End (2651).

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