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Friday 12 October 2018

Reflections on the "Throwing of the Stone" - (2666)


There is a certain mention in the Gnostic teachings of that of "throwing the stone". Certainly in our Gnostic studies we do come across this point from time to time, and each time, well for me anyway, it remains an open subject, with many details left unrevealed... 

I am in no way an authority on this, in fact I should not be writing this becasue I do not have any real knowledge on the subject.

In this post I will be bringing to light some of what Master Samael said abut this subject as well as some logical inferences that I think we can make from what Master Samael has said.

However, I write this post hoping, firstly to have a record of the main points before I forget them and secondly that it may provide a spring board if you will, for further reflection and revelation in any reader now or in the future... 

It is Said...

When a master achieves the philosopher's stone and later loses it, it is said that the master has 'thrown the stone'.

Where is the stone thrown? We may well ask. Master Samael says that the stone is thrown into the waters of life.

This is of course very symbolic. The beauty of master Samael is that he reveals the reality behind the symbols.

There are two ways Master Samael says that the stone can be thrown. One is through a fall and the other is through a descent. It is the latter that I am going to concentrate on in this post.  

Further Development Required

Master Samael says that when a Monad with the philosopher's stone realises that further development is required and that this development can not be gained through that Monad's present standing, then in order to arrive at this higher degree of development, that Monad may decide to throw the stone. That is to throw the stone in the way of a fall or a descent. 

Which means in all practicality to loose the stone only to have to fabricate it again. This new forming of the stone makes the new stone much more powerful in strength and penetration and richer in wisdom Master Samael says.

Which means among many things that the new stone would bring with it more consciousness that is wider in it expanse and more profound in its reach.

We can understand the philosopher's stone as consciousness, that is the result of much conscious effort, voluntary sufferings and esoteric processes lived through the initiatic path.

This is exactly the myth of the Phoenix bird of Greek mythology. Where the Phoenix bird (Chochmah - big Phoenix Bird and the Intimate Christ - small Phoenix bird), incinerates itself to later rise again more powerful than before from its own ashes.

But just before I go on, I would like to add a detail here. Master Samael recently elaborated his third stone. The two previous stones and this recent one he says, were thrown by means of falls. Now, of late it has come to light that after the third stone the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh stones can be elaborated with descents rather than with falls.  

A descent is much safer, because not as much is lost as with a fall.

A Descent 

Master Samael says a descent is processed by the Master possessing the stone by practicing the Alchemy after it has been forbidden. However, this is done under the direction and guidance of a guru and the energy is not lost, which is the opposite of what happens in a fall. This statement from Master Samael upon a closer look reveals so much to us. 

The key elements of what master Samael says are the Guru, the use of sex after it is forbidden and the energy not being lost.

At this point it is very useful to refer to something else that Master Samael said in relation to the creation of the ego. He said that the creation of the ego began with the creation of the libido, which arose in the very ancient Lemurians when they performed the sexual act outside of the temple. A certain transgression was produced which caused a certain separation in the Lemurians from their inner Being. That separation was caused in their sexuality where they now possessed sexual desire that functioned in them impulsing them to act sexually outside of the cosmic rhythms and harmony, which are also the principles of the inner Being.

This separation lead to incurring some kind of karma and the creation of the ego.


When a fall happens, no one is consulted because the answer would be not to fall. The presence of the guru in the process of a descent, I can infer here makes the process official before the Divine law and validated as a descent. A transgression is produced, because sex is forbidden, however the Guru, which is a Master of the white lodge presides over the process, which makes the transgression like a kind of authorised transgression which, eventhough it is authorised will still have its consequences.

The presence of the guru is needed, to remind and impulse the Master after the descent to rise again.

Also the guru, Master Samael says has the role of establishing contact between the highest parts of the disciple's Being. The guru then knows well how to reestablish that connection and also to re-author the highest parts of the disciple's inner Being. Master Samael said that his guru was the author of the highest parts of his Being.

The guru can also vouch before the law that a descent is occurring and an ascent once again is going to occur.

Use of Sex After It Has Been Forbidden

Sexuality is governed by the laws from above. When those laws are transgressed there are karmic consequences and a separate sexual will is created which sets off the creation of the ego and a separate will in the person, thus a separation, is created. This is what happened with the Lemurians when they performed the sexual act outside of the temples.

An interesting point here is that the practice of Alchemy does not conclude after the third mountain it continues. This is because the four kayas have to be fabricated and the vehicles which constitute the psychological infinite also have to be fabricated.

So this means that for sex to be forbidden this work has to have been completed.

All the resistance to the Alchemy is to not surrender our sexual force over the sexuality of the Being. Because the ego wants to use sex and sexuality for its purposes separate to the laws, will and principles of the Being in us.

The great success of the anti-christ was contraception, as this allowed sex to be freed so to speak from consequences and from the nature in which sex exists for. One of sex's use is to procreate, but with contraception it can be used for anything else.

Lust is all about using sex with the hope of avoiding the consequences.

Energy Not Lost

This is a definite differentiating point. In a fall the energy is lost. In a descent it is not lost. The energy not being lost does not cause the Kundalini to fall. The fire is still present. Of course some fire is subtracted and used to create the separate sexual will or libido.

In a fall, all the serpents fall. This we can infer means that in a descent means that the first mountain remains intact, though the second mountain has to be redone or that of the separate will has to be dissolved.

As in the Lemurians the creation of the libido from using sex outside of the temple lead to the creation of the ego, such a transgression we can also infer leads to the creation of some kind of ego. If the ego is created it will be created in the structure of 1, three, seven and many. However, it is clear that the ego of the descent is very different to the ego of the fall. The ego of the descent is less dense and heavy. Because there is much more consciousness free still present.

Stone of the Descent Reiterated Quickly

Fulcanelli says that the stones are increasingly more quickly iterated. This is because the ego is not as big, the serpents are still present and risen and there is less karma.

Seven Stones

Master Samael says that seven stones can be fabricated which means to throw the stone six times. If the stone is thrown seven times, that is an eighth stone is attempted, that Monad falls under a curse. That curse can mean involution. There are some Beings in the abyss in the process of involution that tried to fabricate the stone 8 times. Master Samael says that when such an essence evolves it will be very special in all the Kingdoms.

When a Descent

The times when a descent occurs is very critical, as master Samael says that all the powers of the Master are in the stone, that is in the consciousness. When the stone is thrown the Master remains without powers. If such a master is need to help humanity, a descent logically could only really occur when the master's help is not needed.

Dissolved Versus Broken

With a descent the stone is dissolved rather than perforated as in a fall. When dissolved, the stone can be easily crystallised using the right procedure and method. Whereas when there has been a loss and breakage of the stone, the stone is best re-fabricated by being ground down and then fabricated from zero again. That is why there is such long times between each stone when the stone is lost through a fall.

End (2666).

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