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Monday 29 October 2018

Working on Jealousy Guarantee – (2683)


If one works on jealousy one can be certain (guaranteed) of the following:


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the empty feelings of loss, and the panic or anxiety or perhaps even dread or sadness that result from that empty feeling.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the intense anger and pride of having our unspoken rules or expectations broken.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the anger about the lack of control over the person.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of the feeling of being insulted/offended by the other person having taken the gaul to pass over our rules and expectations and ‘sacred love’.


Significant diminishing and vanishing of ill-will towards the other person and the ‘other other person’.


Feelings that the other person does not really love us and loves the other person more or more naturally or spontaneously.


Feelings that we are not good enough disappear. Feelings that we are too old, slow, boring, unspontaneous, not fun, etc. etc. start to go.


Appearance of a new aspect and quality of trust in relation to one’s inner Divinity and the relationships that one has in this life.


Appearance of a renewed love for the other person. Which is characterised by more trust in the other and more respect.


Increased feelings of dignity and confidence, as one can now behave with a more upright conduct and not feel ‘bad’ about oneself.


Closer to your essence. More interior light. More interior freedom. More control. More happiness. More at peace.

Contrast - Decision

After reading each of these points, do you want to work on jealousy? Working on jealousy as any other ego, is really a conscious decision, that is best made through contrast. Who after contrasting would not want to work on jealousy? I think no one, especially if the person has or suffers acutely from jealousy.

End (2683).


  1. I so appreciate the postings on jealousy. They helped me with a situation. Now I recognize and live the positive points you listed.

    1. Wonderful, I am really glad about that and appreciative of your feedback. Thanks also very much!
