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Thursday 15 November 2018

Subconscious is Time - (2706)

The Longer...

The longer we entertain a dream, an expectation, an idea, a resentment the more subconscious it becomes, and the deeper it descends into the subconscious and the more it also extends through the subconscious.

The problem is that we could have enjoyed dreaming, thinking, criticizing etc. and then it comes back to bite us with unpleasant effects or consequences.

Usually when we are in an event and we come to face what we have been criticizing or resenting and an unexpectedly strong forces rises from our subconscious and if we are not vigilant it can express itself.

This force is a little hard to deal with because it is has taken up so much subconscious ground and it is also quite deep, meaning it is not so easily seen.


In conclusion, we create subconscious ourselves and the longer, that is the greater the time we dream, criticize, oppose, resent, think the more subconscious and the more powerful we make it.

End (2706).

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