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Thursday 6 December 2018

Don’t Mess with a Gnostic Group – Post 1 – (2724)


I used to think that a Gnostic group and especially the Gnostic group that I belonged to was really just a random collection of half normal half strange, half mediocre, half interesting people. In time I realised how ignorant an attitude this was.

If we think about a Gnostic group in this way we can certainly make certain errors in relation to a Gnostic group.

To harm a Gnostic as we will see in these series of posts is definitely something of concern.

More than Just a Bunch of Unusual People

The best way to look at a Gnostic group is from above. It must be this way because a gnostic group is really an esoteric formation and as such it fulfils an esoteric function.

If we are to look at each member from the human and personality level only, we see that very few of the members have something in common on that level. We all come from different backgrounds, have different professions, different economic and social circumstances and have different interests, different likes and different viewpoints. In fact, it would be very unlikely that any of the group members would meet each other in common life and feel an empathy for each other and strike up a friendship.

So then what really holds a Gnostic group together is an esoteric common ground. Therefore, a Gnostic group is really fundamentally an physical/esoteric formation or an physical/esoteric unit.

It is certainly more than just a group of semi-normal semi-unusual people. It is an esoteric creation!

End (2724).

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