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Thursday 6 December 2018

Don’t Mess with a Gnostic Group – Post 6 – (2729)

Why Did I Write these Posts?

Because we awaken in areas and the Gnostic group is certainly one of these areas that we can awaken to and into.

When we are not really aware of what a Gnostic group is in itself, that is in the more complete sense of things, we can not value or appreciate it.

We can actually make many mistakes related to a Gnostic Group, when we are asleep to what a Gnostic group is.

Basically, to mess with a Gnostic group, that is to affect it in a detrimental way is VERY BAD FORM!

Whether it is through ill-will or just actions of which we are ignorant of their gravity, we harm humanity, the white lodge and very much so our own selves.

This is because it is an esoteric unity that is needed by humanity, the white lodge and the members to be functioning well and generating light and emanating it to help humanity. When we weaken that unity we are harming humanity!

Our role is embellish the Gnostic group and assist it in its essential functions. Any other type of influence could be considered negative and therefore...

Mistakes We Can Make

Such mistakes are to use a Gnostic Group and give little back. The law of reciprocity is certainly at work in a Gnostic Group.

Some astute people realise that a Gnostic group is a powerful resource and so to draw on that resource without eh intention of giving back all because they are Gnostic and working on themselves, meaning that they won’t get angry or resentful and will be compassionate is quite frankly an abuse.

To ask money from members and not pay it back is an abuse. To ask for human related favours just because they are Gnostic, knowing that they won’t ask for any payment is another abuse and a direct strike against the law of reciprocity.

To be careless and get into trouble and ask the Gnostic group to help out humanly and esoterically is another semi kind of abuse. The Gnostic group is not really a get out of trouble card. It is our duty to look after ourselves in all respects.

To not attend and therefore not contribute anything regularly and only take when certain activities are in place is another astute ‘user’ style action.

A Gnostic group is also a financial resource of which its contributions can be used wisely and fairly by reinvesting it in maintaining the same Gnostic group and embellishing it. The financial aspect of the Gnostic group of course can be also be abused, where contributions are not used to help the same Gnostic group that makes those contributions.

Of course to then mislead members, cause discord amongst the members, to take members away from a  Gnostic group are all strikes against a Gnostic group.

To strengthen the egos of the members through negative impressions and problems in a Gnostic group is also another strike as this esoterically weakens the group.

End (2729).

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