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Friday 14 December 2018

Function of the Silver Cord – (2749)

Link Bodies

It’s primary function is to link life into the various bodies that our inner Being has.

It also links the experiences of all of the bodies creating a synchronised unity.


It actually feeds the astral, mental and causal bodies from the energy supplied by the physical body.

Message Channel

It also is a conveyor through which thought, sensations and information can pass through from one body to the next.

Master Samael says that when a person achieves ecstasy in mediation the impressions of the experience of the illuminating void circulate down through the silver cord to the centres of the human machine.

It conveys our thoughts from one body to the next. When sleep at night our essence leaves our physical body and travels in the astral world, either by itself or within the astral body. All that our essence perceives and experiences in the astral world it conveys vis the silver cord to the physical body.

It is also the silver cord that sends our physical prayers to the higher parts of our Being. Our centres are connected to our essence and through our essence our prayers reach our Being.

End (2749).

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