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Sunday 2 December 2018

The Inner Man and Sacred Individuality - (2713)

Sacred Individuality and the Creation of the Inner Man

As we work on ourselves we come to create the inner man.

Creating the inner man is the first step towards sacred individuality. 

We may ask: "What is sacred individuality?". It is the individuality of the inner Being within the person. It is the autonomy of the inner Being to function from inside towards the outside in the person. It is also the inner Being expressing itself by virtue of itself.

We can not arrive at any level of individuality without having created something within ourselves. That 'something' is something that is ours and functions based on foundations lying within ourselves. If we have not made anything within ourselves then we have very little to base our individuality on. 

How is the Inner Man Created

We create the inner man using the principles of the psychological and esoteric work. The inner man is the one that applies the work on him or herself and in doing so creates a new person within. A person that works psychologically, remembers the inner Being and lives out of the qualities of the essence and does not obey the old ways of the personality and the egos.  

These principles are ethical and spiritual in nature.

The Start

When we decide that our inner values or qualities are more important to us than reacting with the ego we are starting to create our individual­ity.

When we hold onto our nobility, sweetness and balance when pressured with another's anger and impatience we are strengthening our sacred individuality.

Sacred individuality is a living expression of the remembering of the inner Being.

Inner Qualities

The inner Being among many other ways can be known through the qualities of the essence.


When we know and remember that we have certain qualities and live these qualities we are doing a version of self-remembering.

For each ego we work on we need a specific kind of self-remembering. That is, remembering the inner Being through the quality of the Being that is the remedy for that ego.

For example, when lust is present we must remember our Inner Divinity through transmutation. That is to go to our Being with our transmuted sexual energy. When fear is present remember the trust of our inner Divinity. When self-love is present love the inner Divinity, remember the Being through love for the Being.

End (2713).

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