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Sunday 16 December 2018

Truth Behind Being Special – (2758)

We want to be special as in outstanding, a cut above the rest or either special to others, because we have not yet made our own inner Being special to us.

True right? We care but we don’t care really about our inner Being. We care more about finding ourselves in the belief that we are special.

Stuff That Mate!

Well stuff that I would rather find myself in a living reality – the inner Being rather than in a belief which could well be totally wrong!

The proof of this statement is when we practically throw away our Being to go into desperation to be special to someone or maintain our so believed special status or try to rise to that phantom like special status.

Jealousy is based on this, that we must be special tot eh husband, wife, friend etc. and not the other third (intruder) person.

Genuinely make the Being in us special and you will find that the need to be special stops becoming so fascinating and compelling and jealousy and other egos decrease in magnitude.

The Red Tulip is your Inner Being, not you or the 'you' to another Person or to Society or the World!

Cultivate It

Genuinely cultivate the Inner Being being special to you in your mind and heart. Make your Being a true special treasure to you. No one can do this for you. No One! We are so retarded sometimes that we are waiting for someone else to do it for ourselves! Stuff that Mater DO IT NOW!!!

End (2757).

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