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Wednesday 12 December 2018

Venerable Master Sanat Kumara – (2743)

Master Samael says that the Venerable Master Sanat Kumara is here physically somewhere on the Earth using an immortal body.

Master Samael said that he originally came from Venus. He has such a degree of perfection that he could integrate himself into a level of the Absolute where he would not need to return to creation. Never the less V.M Sanat Kumara is here with us.

Master Samael says that he is here sacrificing himself for humanity here on Earth helping those Beings willing to and ready to find the self-realisation.

He, Master Samael said was the founder of the white college of initiates and confers some of the initiations, if I am not wrong from the fourth initiation onwards.

So then, back to us, for help to enter the path or to progress on the path V.M Sanat Kumara is a very Master to ask help from.

End (2743).

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