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Monday 14 January 2019

Each Ego is an Entry Point: Psychological Surfing - (2822)

Psychological Surfing

Each ego that we have is an inspiring entry point into our psychology and essence/Being.

When an ego manifests it touches our emotion. This is very good because the emotion is the impetus for us to turn inwards and investigate.

If we follow this line of investigation beyond the superficial we ride the wave of inspiration to penetrate deeper into our psychology where we will find a certain value of our essence.

Each egoic manifestation is a wave that you should not miss the opportunity to surf, as it can, if we are intelligent take us deeper into ourselves, and at the same time free ourselves.

Be a psychological surfer - the ocean is our psyche, the wave is the egoic manifestation, the surfboard is the emotion to investigate and we are the consciousness.

End (2822).

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