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Thursday 10 January 2019

Each Practice Must Leave Us with Something - (2809)

I think that when we practice we should strive to end the practice having acquired something.

Something that stays with us, and something that we can evoke when we need it in the activities of our practical daily life.

What is really good to have acquired is an artifice of comprehension. 

After a psychological practice this artifice of comprehension will give us a device of comprehension with which to tackle that ego when it appears again.

If it is a mystical practice to be left with something of comprehension, a realisation, a new affinity, 'a feeling for', 'a closeness to' etc. Such things help us to more quickly and more powerfully invoke these mystical forces and increase our faith.

Acquisitions like these I think make a practice worth while. Yes/no how does that sit with you?

Maybe it is better to practice for the love of the practice and forgetting about the result that may come. Or in other words to practice without striving for the result, for the result will come by itself out of the practice itself. Sound better?

End (2809).

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