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Wednesday 9 January 2019

Imagination Tidy Up and Clean Up - (2804)

A really marvelous goal to have is to clean out and order our imagination.

It is so worth doing!

Imagination is such a valuable faculty. Combined with will it forms a furiously formidable combination. 

The cleaner and more ordered it is the more useful and valuable it is to ourselves and others.

When it is ordered and clean, it is an very effective instrument. That brings new knowledge to us, that can heal us, that can solve problems, that can help us to meditate, that can help us to investigate ourselves psychologically and esoterically etc. ...

First, is to order it. We do that by putting away into quarantine the big monsters or the big mess. That is those things that are far fro real and will not come to pass. Adhere closely to reality to order our imagination.

The best cleaning and ordering agent for the imagination is reality!

The logic and coherence of reality are secondary agents which maintain our imagination functioning correctly, or in other words, in order, in an orderly, logical and correct way.

Once there is order, we can ask the best imagination cleaning agent - The Divine Mother to then clean and clean away as Mother's love to do!

End (2804).

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